Monday 3 May 2010

Some places could be happiness

This is a picture of a woods full of legends... This is Finland...

Finland is a country in the north of Europe, very big, but with a small population... 5,3 millions people in 303,000 km², so it's like 15 people for 1 km. this country have a hard climate, in the winter they have temperatures lower than -15°, and i like so much the winter, i love the loe temperatures and the clouds... Some people say that the winter is a representation of sadness mmmm i think they're wrong.

The day in this country is very short, the nights are cold and long, there is a thing that they call Kaamos, and you say "what is this kaamos thing?". Is the name of a season in Finland where is almost nothing of the sunlight, it's like 51 days without sun, living in the night...and oh yes, the night for me is very special and comfortable. imagine a lot of nights without sun, for me is awesome... low temperatures and the longest nights i've ever heard or seen.

That's not all that i like of Finland, this place is famous for the stories of magic and legends, typical culture from the north of europe...Vikings and wolves, sea dragons, elfs, trolls, ghosts of the foresta, fairy, wars between gods...Pagan gods, love that =) maybe there's a point of my fascination for this country is the history and religion, people who was punished for their beliefs, their "pagans gods, evil", people who die for the religion and the invasion of selfish kings.

This country is an exponent for the metal music or the hard rock, there's a band that i like so much, they're called "Lordi" and they're like classic monsters (zombies, mummies, demons) in the shows, and play a wonderful rock 'n' roll.

Since i have memory that i like this country, and i dreamed that i go away from here alone, to a land so far away From Chile, so different...And why alone? because i thing thats so exciting travel alone to the unkown destiny...I want a little house in the middle of this forest covered with snow, playing a guitar near the fire, maybe with a finland girl at my side jejeje.


  1. This is a picture of a woods full of legends... This is Finland...

    Finland is a country in the north of Europe, very big, but with a small population... 5,3 millions people in 303,000 km², so it's like 15 people for 1 km. this country SVA have a hard climate, in the winter they have temperatures lower than -15°, and i like so much the winter, i love the SP loe temperatures and the clouds... Some people say that the winter is a representation of sadness mmmm i think they're wrong.

    The day in this country is very short, the nights are cold and long, there is a thing that they call Kaamos, and you say "what is this kaamos thing?". ^Is the name of a season in Finland where is almost nothing of the sunlight, it's like 51 days without sun, living in the night...and oh yes, the night for me is very special and comfortable. imagine a lot of nights without sun, for me is awesome... low temperatures and the longest nights i've ever heard or seen.

    That's not all that i like of Finland, this place is famous for the stories of magic and legends, typical culture from the north of CAPS europe...Vikings and wolves, sea dragons, elfs, trolls, ghosts of the foresta, fairy, wars between gods...Pagan gods, love that =) maybe there's a point of my fascination for this country is the history and religion, people who was punished for their beliefs, their "pagans gods, evil", people who die for the religion and the invasion of selfish kings.

    This country is an exponent for the metal music or the hard rock, there's a band that i like so much, they're called "Lordi" and they're like classic monsters (zombies, mummies, demons) in the shows, and play a wonderful rock 'n' roll.

    Since i have memory that i like this country, and i dreamed that i TENSE go away from here alone, to a land so far away From Chile, so different...And why alone? because i SP thing thats so exciting travel alone to the unkown destiny...I want a little house in the middle of this forest covered with snow, playing a guitar near the fire, maybe with a finland girl at my side jejeje

    would be a Finish girl?
    well done check the corrections..

  2. Finland... that's exotic! But it's also like a paradise: the forests, the waterfalls.
    So nice, I would love to go there someday

    Greetings :)
