Sunday 23 May 2010

The wolf... a blessed and cursed animal

By the centuries this wonderful animal was a satan creature for some people, specially the european inquirers at the middle edge for example, for this reasons their in danger of extinction in europe, and for others was a servant of the gods like the aborigens in north america or the vikings before the middle age... A lot of legends and means for this particular animal, a brother near of the dog, their ADN is very similar.

I admire the wolf, it's like a wild dog destined for the freedom, sometimes i think that all the people are like dogs, subordinates and trained for this civilization and the powerful ones, then i ask myself "there are so much dogs, but where's the wolves, the wild dogs, the owners of the true freedom".

This animal can't be domesticated, they're really big, can be of 90 cm. to the cross and weight of 68 Kg., wolves have families (sometimes for life) and i'm just impressed for that, they have some instincts very specials, great hunters, with a incredible power of smell, one of the most powerful senses that exist (true). I love the legends that wrap the wolf, the men cursed by god, and they turned into werewolves to eat flesh, or the pact with satan by the wizards and witches, the half beast part sleeping in the men's hearts...this are evil meanings of legends of wolves.
I like the legends of the vikings, the wolf was the symbol of the courage, the great spirit of the battlefield, and there's some story, that a big wolf called fenrir ate the hand of a god, Tyr, and this wolf was the end of the god's age for the vikings, for good.

Some aborigens think that the wolf is the inner beast that we have inside, sometimes this beast escape to make hurt others, but sometimes this inner beast brings to us the nature, and the good feelings of an animal...
Well, if reincarnation exists, i hope that my next life be in this animal, the eternal howl for their love, the moon, with others, or just lonely.

1 comment:

  1. By the centuries this wonderful animal was a satan creature for some people, specially the european inquirers at the middle edge for example, for this reasons their in danger of extinction in europe, and for others was a servant of the gods like the aborigens in north CAPS america or the vikings before the middle age... A lot of legends and means for this particular animal, a brother near of the dog, their ADN is very similar.

    I admire the wolf, it's like a wild dog destined for the freedom, sometimes i think that all the people are like dogs, subordinates and trained for this civilization and the powerful ones, then i ask myself "there are so WW much dogs, but where's the wolves, the wild dogs, the owners of the true freedom".

    This animal can't be domesticated, they're really big, can be of 90 cm. to the cross and weight of 68 Kg., wolves have families (sometimes for life) and i'm just impressed for that, they have some instincts very specials, great hunters, with a incredible power of smell, one of the most powerful senses that exist (true). I love the legends that wrap the wolf, the men cursed by god, and they turned into werewolves to eat flesh, or the pact with satan by the wizards and witches, the half beast part sleeping in the men's hearts...this are evil meanings of legends of wolves.
    I like the legends of the vikings, the wolf was the symbol of the courage, the great spirit of the battlefield, and there's some story, that a big wolf called fenrir ate the hand of a god, Tyr, and this wolf was the end of the god's age for the vikings, for good.

    Some aborigens think that the wolf is the inner beast that we have inside, sometimes this beast escape to make hurt others, but sometimes this inner beast brings WO to us the nature, and the good feelings of an animal...
    Well, if reincarnation exists, i hope that my next life be in this animal, the eternal howl for their love, the moon, with others, or just lonely.

    very good and interesting animal... have you seen the couple of wolves that Buin zoo has? impressive...
