Sunday 20 June 2010

Veterinary challenges

When i was in front of my PC looking the score of my PSU, i start to think about how will be my future, how i will be towards this "new life". I told you about my dreams, the music, the fuel of my life... so, i saw my score and i told to myself "go where your soul feel hapiness" and i felt this when i chose this career.

I know from the very beginning that this career is one of the most hard to study, with a hard work without big wealths, but it's doesn't matter to me, i don't want to live a easy life. When i saw my score i look at the scores of people who want to enter the medicine career, and the scores are so much different, makes me laugh, because our career it's to much difficult and the score don't shows that.

The people look at us like "the dog's doctor" and i hate that, and several times i say "you don't know nothing idiot", and maybe we'll have to learn to live with that, cause people in Chile think that animals are like electrodomestics, objects, that you can throw to the's stupid the prices that some veterinaries have for vaccines, surgery and other stuff, and then they're are the people who protests "why the people look at us in less?", i want to change that, people still thinking about animals like things with lower importance than a person. I'm getting mad, when people says to the human medicine students "oh my! you will become a medic! that´s so wonderful!" and then says to the veterinary student "oh... you take care of dogs and cats, big deal dude".

our work will bring to us so much hapiness, but it will bring so much Difficulties.
I hope that someday the people look at us like we deserve.

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