Sunday 20 June 2010

Veterinary challenges

When i was in front of my PC looking the score of my PSU, i start to think about how will be my future, how i will be towards this "new life". I told you about my dreams, the music, the fuel of my life... so, i saw my score and i told to myself "go where your soul feel hapiness" and i felt this when i chose this career.

I know from the very beginning that this career is one of the most hard to study, with a hard work without big wealths, but it's doesn't matter to me, i don't want to live a easy life. When i saw my score i look at the scores of people who want to enter the medicine career, and the scores are so much different, makes me laugh, because our career it's to much difficult and the score don't shows that.

The people look at us like "the dog's doctor" and i hate that, and several times i say "you don't know nothing idiot", and maybe we'll have to learn to live with that, cause people in Chile think that animals are like electrodomestics, objects, that you can throw to the's stupid the prices that some veterinaries have for vaccines, surgery and other stuff, and then they're are the people who protests "why the people look at us in less?", i want to change that, people still thinking about animals like things with lower importance than a person. I'm getting mad, when people says to the human medicine students "oh my! you will become a medic! that´s so wonderful!" and then says to the veterinary student "oh... you take care of dogs and cats, big deal dude".

our work will bring to us so much hapiness, but it will bring so much Difficulties.
I hope that someday the people look at us like we deserve.

Sunday 23 May 2010

The wolf... a blessed and cursed animal

By the centuries this wonderful animal was a satan creature for some people, specially the european inquirers at the middle edge for example, for this reasons their in danger of extinction in europe, and for others was a servant of the gods like the aborigens in north america or the vikings before the middle age... A lot of legends and means for this particular animal, a brother near of the dog, their ADN is very similar.

I admire the wolf, it's like a wild dog destined for the freedom, sometimes i think that all the people are like dogs, subordinates and trained for this civilization and the powerful ones, then i ask myself "there are so much dogs, but where's the wolves, the wild dogs, the owners of the true freedom".

This animal can't be domesticated, they're really big, can be of 90 cm. to the cross and weight of 68 Kg., wolves have families (sometimes for life) and i'm just impressed for that, they have some instincts very specials, great hunters, with a incredible power of smell, one of the most powerful senses that exist (true). I love the legends that wrap the wolf, the men cursed by god, and they turned into werewolves to eat flesh, or the pact with satan by the wizards and witches, the half beast part sleeping in the men's hearts...this are evil meanings of legends of wolves.
I like the legends of the vikings, the wolf was the symbol of the courage, the great spirit of the battlefield, and there's some story, that a big wolf called fenrir ate the hand of a god, Tyr, and this wolf was the end of the god's age for the vikings, for good.

Some aborigens think that the wolf is the inner beast that we have inside, sometimes this beast escape to make hurt others, but sometimes this inner beast brings to us the nature, and the good feelings of an animal...
Well, if reincarnation exists, i hope that my next life be in this animal, the eternal howl for their love, the moon, with others, or just lonely.

Sunday 9 May 2010

I don't know if "Justice" and "Death" are friends

Did you seen all the people who lives in prison?... Not just here, in some countries the population are over the capacity of these prisons.
And some people think this "what if we kill the criminals" mmmm "because they live with our taxes" "cause they're evil" "cause they're useless and they can hurt or kill somebody" well, a lot of arguments.
The things aren't easy, we have the glorious "human rights" a very young universal law and a not friendly thing for me...Religion (i respect the believers) they have a conception of life based on their beliefs, the divine punishment, god, satan, paradise or hell... If hell exists, then kill all that rats, because satan will torture them for all the eternity, later we will be the next, isn't easy talking about this, there are too many factors in this.

Are we with the rights to kill somebody? or just the rights doesn't exists, just a concept? i see lions killing lion puppies, they have the rights? We are animals too, but with the difference that we have a conception of a lot of things, our associative thought, a superior thing of us... I think that the justified killing (good argument) is a good option.

First think that we have a law for death sentence, right, we eliminate a lot of "garbage", but people are people, can be nice or true monsters, i mean, the ethic of too much people are a shame... I just see in this world, corrupt politicians, business men, attorneys, people with obscene quantities of money and the poorest ethic ever seen... With a death sentence, is like a double-edged weapon, used for good and evil, killing who deserves it and killing innocent people, is the raw truth.
If some criminal want to kill your mom in front of you, what do you do? call the police while she's been murdered, and leaving this horrible mess to the justice? How you would know who is guilty or not? if they condemn an innocent, and very later it's known that he or she is innocent, what we would do, that human being is dead, point of no return, what we can do? Divine punishment? punishment from the UN? Social punishment? Nothing... This is such a complex topic.

I'm sure of a thing, if i see some important person for me affected, wounded, rapped or something like that, i'm not gonna be think it twice, i will kill that criminal, i don't the same reaction that i would have if i see a couple of burglars in my house, i will kill them, don't think i'm a crazy man... It's a reasonable thought, is my life (a good stuff) or their lifes, come on.
I don't know, but "Justice" and "Death aren't friends who walk to a bar for a couple of beers and talk about their lifes, i think that they're just companions of work, like:
-Justice: good morning...
-Death: Morning justice...


Monday 3 May 2010

Some places could be happiness

This is a picture of a woods full of legends... This is Finland...

Finland is a country in the north of Europe, very big, but with a small population... 5,3 millions people in 303,000 km², so it's like 15 people for 1 km. this country have a hard climate, in the winter they have temperatures lower than -15°, and i like so much the winter, i love the loe temperatures and the clouds... Some people say that the winter is a representation of sadness mmmm i think they're wrong.

The day in this country is very short, the nights are cold and long, there is a thing that they call Kaamos, and you say "what is this kaamos thing?". Is the name of a season in Finland where is almost nothing of the sunlight, it's like 51 days without sun, living in the night...and oh yes, the night for me is very special and comfortable. imagine a lot of nights without sun, for me is awesome... low temperatures and the longest nights i've ever heard or seen.

That's not all that i like of Finland, this place is famous for the stories of magic and legends, typical culture from the north of europe...Vikings and wolves, sea dragons, elfs, trolls, ghosts of the foresta, fairy, wars between gods...Pagan gods, love that =) maybe there's a point of my fascination for this country is the history and religion, people who was punished for their beliefs, their "pagans gods, evil", people who die for the religion and the invasion of selfish kings.

This country is an exponent for the metal music or the hard rock, there's a band that i like so much, they're called "Lordi" and they're like classic monsters (zombies, mummies, demons) in the shows, and play a wonderful rock 'n' roll.

Since i have memory that i like this country, and i dreamed that i go away from here alone, to a land so far away From Chile, so different...And why alone? because i thing thats so exciting travel alone to the unkown destiny...I want a little house in the middle of this forest covered with snow, playing a guitar near the fire, maybe with a finland girl at my side jejeje.

Monday 19 April 2010

Transantiago...more hated than loved

Well... today i will tell you the awesome/awkward transportation system of our great country. Some transantiago's good things are the time that delayed in being implemented (if i don't remember very well) i think that was 3 or 5 months...really fast... but that was for good or not?

The great advantage of the Transantiago doesn't exist (in my opinion). Okay, transantiago have all that publicity, a web site, and the map of all transantiago's tour is lovely, think about it, if i don't know how to go somewhere i take a look at the map (in our hands,in the bus stop or in the internet). The "caterpillar bus" was a good and nice idea, all seems to be cool...yes...Like the card called BIP! (now, very famous), this card is maybe the only good thing about transantiago, this card gave you a ticket counts for three (what? yes, three tickets) but all in a range of time of 1 hour and 30 minutes, saving your money.

DISADVANTAGE of the Transantiago system... all the transantiago is a disadvantage, seeing the good and bad things...Think, do you like traveling like a tin of sardines? all the people so close to you, smelling bad, a lot of them angry, that isn't a lovely and comfortable trip (just looking the inside the bus) there are a 30 seats. Dear god! (i'm not catholic, just a expression) sometimes it takes an hour to aboard a bus! the tours of the buses aren't favorable for the majority of the people, you loose much time in the trip, because you have to change the bus. An example, i live relatively near the university, but i spend and hour coming to the university.

I remember the times when that rustic and yellow buses come to catch you, i remember that like a good memories (or something like that) i think several times that the only change is that the driver is a little bit more happy and nice with the passengers... and the most important, they don't insult you and stop when you need it.

My conclusion is: Transantiago isn't good, this isn't a good plan, isn't a relief... but mom teach me something "The minor evil is better".